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An individual practice in a group setting for all levels in Neukölln.


Monday to Friday:  7-10 Mysore class 10-12 Self-practice
Sunday: 9.00 – 11.00

WHERE @Dharma Studios Kienitzer Str. 98, 12049 Schillerkiez 1st courtyard - 1st floor


Is Ashtanga yoga Mysore-style suitable for beginners?

Mysore classes are suitable for all levels of practice, especially for beginners. The teacher is there to assist and introduce students to the basic principles of the practice step by step. It is not necessary to know the Ashtanga sequence to participate in a Mysore-style class. The student learns the sequence progressively and at his/her own pace with the help of the teacher.

What is Ashtanga Yoga Mysore-style practice?

Mysore style is the traditional way in which the Ashtanga Yoga system is taught and learned. The Mysore style method develops a sense of independence within students, allowing them to go deeper into themselves and thereby find their own inner teacher. Classes include a mixture of students from various levels: beginners and advanced students practice side-by-side creating a unique environment.

How does Ashtanga Yoga Mysore-style practice work?

Students are guided individually to develop their own Ashtanga Yoga practice. They are being taught progressively one posture at a time, at their own pace, synchronizing each movement with the rhythm of their own breath. While the practice is geared to suit the individual’s needs, it occurs in a group context, hence allowing students to benefit from, as well as support, each other through the collective energy generated. 

How often is it recommended to practice Ashtanga Yoga?

Traditionally this style is practiced 6 days a week, although coming at least 3 times a week is also a good start. Consistency is a very important aspect of the practice: only through constant repetition can the benefits really be reaped. 

How long is a Mysore-style class?

The Mysore-style Ashtanga Yoga practice takes place in the mornings and the lessons are “open”, which means that students can come whenever it suits them best, and they may leave when they wish, bearing in mind the amount of time needed to conclude the practice. Beginners will usually require between 40 to 60 min.